Digital Downloads - Accessing your files
Digital Downloads - Accessing your files
Please use Google Chrome to download files. Other browsers have been known to cause errors. You can find Google Chrome here.
When you purchase a digital download file, you will receive an order confirmation email and another email with your content immediately after purchasing. This is automatic. These emails are automatically delivered to the email address you created your account with.
Note: If you have any membership with Ashley, this is not the same website as your membership. If you have never purchased from this website before, you will need to create a new account. You can do that here:
You can also access your content from your order confirmation email:
Select "View your order"
Then select "Access Digital Content"
Note: You will need to be logged in to access your content from your purchases.
This will bring you to a page that looks something roughly like this, depending on the content you purchased (YOU MAY NEED TO LOGIN):
If the content you purchased includes videos, you will need to use the player feature. You do this by clicking the video you want to watch, then clicking play in the player:

If you think you may have checked out with the wrong email address or you think there may have been an error in spelling, there is no need to check out again. Please email so we can help you.
Thank you for supporting small business.